2 days tripwith accommodation
We will have an excursion through wineries with degustation included. During the excursion you will also visit some of the wonderful historical monuments, classical Slovakian villages and its nature.
- Lunch at Donovaly
- Winery“ Vína z Mlyna“
- Castle Červený kameň
- Winery Pretzelmayer
- Winery“ Klimko“ – Winery in Chorvátsky Grob
- Diner – domestic goose in Chorvatsky Grob
- Winery in Pukanec
- Hiking on Sitno
Price: from 145€
Departure: 7:00 hod from Bardejov ( options from Prešov and Poprad)
Arrival: 20:00 hod to Bardejova